We Are Changing the Way the World Negotiates and Solves Differences


Dr. Hal Movius began the morning by introducing the “Practical Theory” of negotiation: the Mutual Gains Approach (MGA).  Participants were given the chance to model the theory with difficult counterparts through a simulation.  In addition to the interactive activity, participants watched a video based on a real case in which one of the participants in the negotiation presented consistent barriers to the MGA approach that was being used by the two other parties that were part of the negotiation.  The lecture ended with Dr. Movius describing what it means to be a world class negotiation organization, and the steps on how to achieve that model of negotiation.


Professor Jeswald Salacusse took the discussion on negotiation and framed it within a global context by providing definitions of culture (verbal and non-verbal); in addition to understanding how culture works, common cultural barriers in negotiating international transactions were systematically addressed.  An overall awareness was generated in negotiation within the international arena on what to consider in order having all interests satisfactorily met.

March 23, 2016

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