Our Core Competencies:
In its broadest sense, our business is advising and assisting organizations – in both the public and private sectors – in managing their working relationships more effectively and more profitably. Every group has a portfolio of critical relationships, both external and internal. These relationships are vital strategic assets of the organization, yet all too often they are mismanaged, misunderstood or ignored, with profoundly negative consequences as a result.
This need not be the case. The array of services CMI International Group offers represents the leading edge of relationship management thought and practice, and each is specifically designed to address clients’ needs and deliver tangible results. Whether one or all are used, CMI International Group’s core competencies are each designed to enable individuals and organizations as a whole maximize the value of important relationships and how best to manage and negotiate them for maximum value.
Providing these services is a science and an art, a combination of a proven methodology and carefully honed skills, backed by decades of successful implementation. The tools and techniques we employ are the result of years of hands-on experience and a relentless commitment to perfecting our offerings. Our services include:
Our first and foremost commitment has always been to deliver clients a customized, comprehensive and realistic plan for meeting their relationship management and negotiation needs.
As consultants, we work to develop an overall strategy for maximizing the capacity of organizations to obtain optimal value in important relationships. Whether as nonpartisan or partisan advisors for one or more party, we help achieve optimal results from a specific negotiation.
As trainers, we provide the resources necessary to enable individuals and institutions to construct, maintain and enhance successful relationship management s kills, even under the most demanding environments.