The Role of Time in Negotiation
“Time is money”, and is also a very strong tool in negotiation; we must learn to use time to our …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16To Gain Empathy, Reverse Roles
Understanding is not simply an intellectual activity. Feeling empathetically how others may feel can be as important as thinking clearly …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16Our proposal, can have a positive response?
We can increase the likelihood that our idea will be translated into constructive action by estimating the path our proposal …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16Merry Christmas to all of you
CMI International Group, LLC takes this opportunity to say thank you to you. Dear Friends: One of the real …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16CMI International Group completes another Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Workshop
On June 18 to 22 CMI International Group hosted the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution workshop at the Radcliffe Institute of …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16Tuesday
Dr. Hal Movius began the morning by introducing the “Practical Theory” of negotiation: the Mutual Gains Approach (MGA). Participants were given the …Read More
fdeleonMar 23,16